Apis mellifica
Apis is intended to temporarily relieve minor symptoms such as burning, itching, and stinging. It is found in Similasan Kids Allergy Eye Relief and Allergy Eye Relief sterile eye drops. (insect-based)

Arnica montana
A yellow European flowering plant used medicinally for centuries to treat bruising, muscle soreness, stiffness, aches, and sprains. It is found in both Similasan Arnica Active skin spray and Arnica Active roll-on. (plant-based)

Arsenicum album
Intended to temporarily relieve the symptoms of diarrhea, nausea, stomach cramps and bloating. It is found in Kids Upset Tummy Relief tablets (mineral-based)

Asa foetida
An herb extract, is intended to temporarily relieve minor symptoms such as apprehension, irritability, and restlessness. It is found in Similasan Calm & Serentiy tablets. (plant-based)

Avena sativa
Commonly known as wild oat, is intended to temporarily relieve sleeplessness and nervousness. It is found in Similasan Sleep & Dream tablets. (plant-based)

Intended to temporarily relieve redness, burning, and the sensation of grittiness in eyes. It is found in Similasan Dry Eye Relief, Pink Eye Relief, Kids Irritated Eye Relief, and Complete Eye Relief eye drops. (plant-based)

Cactus grandiflorus
This ingredient is intended to temporarily relieve the symptoms of nervousness and restless sleep. It is found in Calm & Serenity tablets (plant-based)

Calcarea carbonica
Temporarily relieves minor symptoms associated with teething pain and difficult dentition. This natural ingredient can be found in Similasan Baby Gum Relief quick dissolve tablets. (mineral-based)

Calcarea fluorica
Supports dental development. This natural ingredient can be found in Similasan Baby Gum Relief quick dissolve tablets. (mineral-based)

Calcarea phosphorica
Supports dental development and temporarily relieves minor symptoms associated with teething pain and slow dentition. This natural ingredient can be found in Similasan Baby Gum Relief quick dissolve tablets. (mineral-based)

Calendula officinalis
Commonly known as marigold, it is used to treat bruises, swelling, and to promote healing. It is found in Similasan Arnica Active skin spray. (plant-based)

Temporarily relieves the symptoms of burns, sunburns and itching. It's found in Similasan Burn Relief cooling spray. (insect-based)

Offen called Heartseed, is a plant-based ingredient intended to temporarily relieve symptoms of swollen mucus membranes and runny nose, and is found in Similasan Sinus Relief nasal mist and Allergy & Sinus Relief. (plant-based)

Intended to temporarily relieve symptoms of wax build-up, ear discharge, and itching. It is found in Similasan Ear Wax Relief ear drops. (mineral-based)

Commonly known as chamomile, it is intended to temporarily relieve sensitivity to drafts and soothe ear discomfort in Similasan Earache Relief and Kids Earache Relief ear drops. It also temporarily relieves the symptoms of swelling, irritability, restlessness, sleeplessness and red cheek/face in Baby Gum Relief. (plant-based)

This ingredient is intended to temporarily relieve the symptoms of ringing and humming in the ears. It is found in Ear Ringing Remedy. (plant-based)

Cineraria maritima
An ingredient also called herb of grace, that has been used in homeopathy to treat aging eye issues such as lens clouding and macular degeneration. It is found in Similasan Aging Eye Relief. (plant-based)

Cocculus indicus
Temporarily relieves minor symptoms associated with stomach cramps, colic, flatulence and disturbed sleep. This natural ingredient is found in Similasan Baby Gas & Colic + Stomach Cramps quick dissolving tablets. (plant-based)

Also known as bitter apple, it temporarily relieves minor symptoms associated with cramps, stomach pressure and pain, sleeplessness and bloating. This natural ingredient can be found in Similasan Gas & Colic + Stomach Cramps quick dissolve tablets. (plant-based)

Conium maculatum
Also known as Hemlock, is intended to temporarily relieve double vision, excessive tearing, aching, red appearance of objects, light sensitivity, painful swelling and redness of styes. It is found in Similasan Computer Eye Relief, and Stye Eye Relief sterile eye drops. (plant-based)

Also known as Sundew, is intended to temporarily relieve dry, hacking or irritating coughs. It is found in Similasan Kids Cold & Mucus Relief Plus Echinacea and Nighttime Kids Cough & Cold Relief Plus Echinacea syrups. (plant-based)

Echinacea angustifolia
Commonly known as pale purple coneflower, it is used homeopathically for a variety of medicinal purposes including boosting the immune system against colds and pain relief. It is found in Similasan Kids Cold & Mucus Relief Plus Echinacea and Nighttime Kids Cough & Cold Relief Plus Echinacea. (plant-based)

Eriodictyon californicum
This ingredient is intended to temporarily relieve the symptoms of ear discomfort and dizziness. It is found in Ear Ringing Remedy. (plant-based)

Intended to temporarily relieve minor symptoms such as a thick mucous and/or watery discharge, burning, and swelling of the eyelid. It is found in Similasan Dry Eye Relief, Complete Eye Relief, Kids Allergy Eye Relief, Allergy Eye Relief, Kids Pink Eye Relief, and Pink Eye Relief sterile eye drops. (plant-based)

Ferrum phosphoricum
Temporarily relieves minor symptoms associated with teething pain. This natural ingredient can be found in Similasan Baby Gum Relief quick dissolve tablets. (mineral-based)

Galphimia glauca
An herb intended to temporarily relieve minor respiratory allergy symptoms such as runny nose, watery eyes, and sneezing. It is found in Similasan Sinus Relief and Allergy & Sinus Relief nasal mists. (plant-based)

Intended to temporarily relieve dryness of the inner ear, earwax build-up, clogged sensation, and ringing. It is also intended to temporarily relieve eye redness and tearing. It is found in Similasan Ear Wax Relief ear drops and Similasan Stye Eye Relief sterile eye drops. (mineral-based)

Guaiacum (Guaiac tree)
Is intended to temporarily relieve the symptoms of sore/dry throat and difficulty swallowing. It is found in Kids Sore Throat Relief tablets. (plant-based)

Hepar sulphuris
Hepar sulphuris is intended to temporarily relieve dryness, stinging, burning, and watery discharge of the eyes and eyelids due to environmental stresses. It is found in Similasan Kids Pink Eye Relief, Pink Eye Relief sterile eye drops, Sleep & Dream tablets and Ear Ringing Relief. (mineral-based, animal byproduct)

Hypericum perforatum
Commonly known as St. John’s Wort and is used homeopathically to treat pain, muscle soreness, and strains. It is found in both Similasan Arnica Active skin spray. (plant-based)

Ipecacuanha (Ipecac)
It's intended to temporarily relieve the symptoms of nausea and vomiting. It is found in Kids Upset Tummy Relief tablets (plant-based)

Kali bichromicum
Intended to temporarily relieve thick, greenish-yellow discharge, dryness, pain, and sinus pressure. It is found in Similasan Sinus Relief nasal mist. (mineral-based)

Intended to temporarily relieve ear wax build-up and dryness when used in Similasan Ear Wax Relief ear drops. Temporarily relieves the symptoms of throbbing, tinkling, roaring, cracking, buzzing, rolling, whizzing, resounding noise in ears when used in Ear Ringing Relief. (animal-based)

Commonly known as Cherry-laurel, is intended to temporarily relieve hacking cough and is found in Similasan Kids Cold & Mucus Relief Plus Echinacea. (plant-based)

Ledum palustre
Temporarily relieves minor symptoms associated with itching and skin irritation. This natural ingredient is found in Similasan Itch Relief roll-on. (plant-based)

Luffa operculata
Also known as wild loofa, it's intended to temporarily relieve symptoms of runny nose, head colds, and nasal congestion. It is found in Similasan Sinus Relief nasal mist and Allergy & Sinus Relief tablets. (plant-based)

Also known as club moss. Indicated to temporarily relieve symptoms of clogged sensation in the ears, as well as ringing/buzzing in the ear. It is found in Similasan Ear Wax Relief ear drops and Ear Ringing Remedy ear drops. (plant-based)

Lycopus virginicus
Intended to temporarily relieve the symptoms of gastro-intestinal cramps and nervous constipation. It is found in Similasan Calm & Serenity tablets. (plant-based)

Magnesia phosphorica
Temporarily relieves minor symptoms associated with stomach cramps and hiccups. This natural ingredient can be found in Similasan Gas & Colic + Stomach Cramps quick dissolve tablets. (mineral-based)

Mercurius corrosivus
It's intended to temporarily relieve the symptoms of stomach pain. It is found in Kids Upset Tummy Relief tablets. (mineral-based)

Mercurius solubilis
Used to temporarily to relieve discomfort in the ear. It is found in Similasan Earache Relief and Kids Earache Relief. (mineral-based)

Mercurius sublimatus
Also known as Mercurius corrosivus or Mercuric Chloride, is intended to temporarily relieve red eyes and eyelids, as well as burning and dry eyes. This form of mercurius is non-toxic. It is found in Similasan Dry Eye Relief and Complete Eye Relief sterile eye drops. (metal based)

Natrum muriaticum
Intended to temporarily relieve redness, burning, dryness, weak muscles of the eyes, heavy eyelids and pressure on eyes; helps eliminate blurry vision quickly when eyes are tired and weak from reading, writing or staring at computers. It is found in Similasan Computer Eye Relief and Aging Eye Relief sterile eye drops. (mineral based)

Intended to temporarily relieve restless sleep from exhaustion. It is found in Similasan Calm & Serenity tablets. (plant-based)

Piper methysticum (Kava Kava Root)
Commonly known as Kava Kava, it's intended to temporarily relieve the symptoms of restlessness, excitement and confusion. It is found in Calm & Collected tablets. (plant-based)

Podophyllum peltatum
Temporarily relieves minor symptoms associated with drooling, chewing on things, irritability, fussiness or restlessness. This natural ingredient can be found in Similasan Baby Gum Relief and Kids Upset Tummy Relief. (plant-based)

Commonly known as Wind Flower or Pasque Flower, intended to temporarily relieve symptoms associated with itching, hay fever, and watering eyes in children and a nighttime calmative. It is found in Similasan Kids Allergy Eye Relief sterile eye drops, and Kids Earache Relief ear drops. (plant-based)

Rumex crispus
Intended to temporarily relieve dry cough, hoarse throat, and congestion. It is found in Similasan Kids Kids Cold & Mucus Relief Plus Echinacea syrup. (plant-based)

Ruta graveolens
Indicated for spasms of the eyelids, pain and/or pressure of the eye, eyestrain, burning, eyestrain, irritation, and reflex tearing due to dryness. Found in Similasan Computer Eye Relief and Aging Eye Relief sterile eye drops. (plant-based)

Indicated for watering, redness of eyelids, runny nose, itching, sneezing and swelling of nasal tissues (rhinitis). Found in Similasan Allergy Eye Relief, Kids Allergy Eye Relief, Similasan Sinus Relief nasal mist and Allergy & Sinus Relief tablets. (plant-based)

Senega officinalis
Intended to temporarily relieve nighttime dry/hacking cough, and as an expectorant, as well as indicated for aching, dry eyes, and hypersensitivity to light. It is found in Similasan Computer Eye Relief, Kids Cold & Mucus Relief Plus Echinacea and Nighttime Kids Cough & Cold Relief Plus Echinacea. (plant-based)

This ingredient is intended to temporarily relieve the symptoms of tinkling, clucking, roaring, singing and noises in the ear. It is found in Ear Ringing Remedy. (mineral-based)

Also known as elemental sulphur, is intended to temporarily relieve pain, itching, and ringing in the ear, as well as swelling, tearing and redness in the eye. Elemental sulphur—a mineral found in nature—represents about 0.25% of the human body weight and is not considered allergenic. This ingredient should not be confused with common allergens such as sulfonamides and sulfites found in many prescription drugs and other products. It is found in Similasan Stye Eye Relief sterile eye drops, Earache Relief and Kids Earache Relief ear drops. (mineral-based)

Symphytum officinale
Also known as Comfrey and used homeopathically to treat pain, sprains, and bruises. It is found in Similasan Arnica Active skin spray. (plant-based)

This ingredient is intended to temporarily relieve the symptoms of ringing and chirping sounds in the ear. It is found in Ear Ringing Remedy. (plant-based)

Thuja occidentalis
A genus of coniferous trees in the cypress family that is used homeopathically to treat irritation in eyes. It is found in Similasan Kids Irritated Eye Relief eye drops. (plant-based)

Urtica urens
Also known as Nettle, it temporarily relieves minor symptoms associated with stinging, itching, burning, skin irritation, rashes, scalds, burns, and sunburns. This natural ingredient is found in Similasan Itch Relief roll-on and Burn Relief cooling spray. (plant-based)

Verbascum thapsus
Intended to temporarily relieve a dry or hoarse throat. It is found in Similasan Kids Cold & Mucus Relief Plus Echinacea syrup. (plant-based)

Zincum valerianicum
Intended to temporarily relieve symptoms of sleeplessness. It is found in Similasan Sleep & Dream tablets. (mineral-based)